Output - Output Hyperlink

Can you please explain how the Output Hyperlink field is working in Output, as its not clear form documentation ( Bot Output | Reference documentation | Teneo Developers ).

If we set link the frontend doesn’t work, connection to the server is broken for some reason:

Thus apparently something is not set correctly.
Can you please advise how Output Hyperlink field is used.


Hi Matiss,

Usually if you put a link in Output Hyperlink, the link will be opened automatically in the same window when the flow reaches this output node. So please be careful while using it because it may interrupt the current dialogue session. If the hyperlink referred to in the output should open in a new tab, add an output parameter named LINK_TARGET and give it the value _BLANK .


Hi Matiss,

The way it works is that you are expected to have Link Preview functionality enabled in your solution. See Teneo Web Chat | Teneo Developers In upcoming release we are going to enable to redirect without it having to be configured in the solution

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