"handshake_failure" error in teneo 6 for the new Teneo connector Jar

Hi Team,

We recently migrated from Teneo 5.2 to Teneo 6.1. With the new version I am using the new API jar " inquire_client_jar_with_dependencies.jar", and I am getting following error while using the new jar.

javax.ws.rs.ProcessingException: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure

Attached is the screenshot of scala code that is being run


Hi Zaib,

great to see you around here in the Community :grinning:
I’ve seen that you have received by now an answer from Maria via a ticket, I hope that feedback helped you already.
I haven’t seen this issue in other projects myself but will check with my colleagues from Customer Success and update here if I can add more info.

I hope your project is coming along nicely!

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