Add class and keyword in the same trigger

Hello there,

I have a question where I need to reduce the amount of triggers in my flows.
Right now I both have Keywords(KW) and Classes in different triggers. And if I got a few subflows in the same flow, i use multiple triggers for the cause of sorting everything.

Well, anyway, my question is this - is there a way to add class and keywords in the same trigger (Order group 7) and use the class in another trigger(Order Group 5)?

1st trigger contains:
Examples from class classname
Class classname
Order group 7

2nd trigger contains:
TLML Syntax
{something = true} & ({something = true}/{something = true})
Order Group 5

Should this work?

Hi Tom,

As discussed, from a technical standpoint it is indeed possible to combine a class and TLML/keywords on the same trigger. However, from an implementation point of view, you will want to make sure that all the elements you use in your TLML Syntax Match condition on one trigger has the same level of complexity to be able to place the trigger in the right place in the trigger ordering. Therefore, it could be a better approach to group matches of the same type (class/keywords).

To specify the minimum confidence score in the TLML Syntax field, you can use a Predicate Script, as in the following example:

%$MYCLASSNAME.TOP_INTENT:{lob.confidence > 0.8}

adjusting the numerical value to the appropriate level.

Let us know if you have more questions.
