Working with the Class Performance tool

Hi, when using the Class Performance tool, does anyone have any information on how the number of example tests relate to what is being tested? We currently have about 300 tests, so trying to figure out where the 651 examples come from. This (redacted) example is from running the test data, not cross validation. If anyone from Teneo can point me towards some more info that would be gratefully received.

Hi @lucydavis,

you can find the answer here under Test Data Evaluation, Intent Classification | Reference documentation | Teneo Developers.
Besides your dedicated test set, also the linked examples are added. In your Class Manager, you will find also a tab called Linked Test Examples which can help you find out more regarding your specific test.

Hope that helps :slight_smile:

It was the Linked Test Examples that we were missing. All the numbers make sense now. Thanks Benjamin!

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