Hi, I’m running into an issue with a general query I’d like to set up. The original form of the query shows all responses to a follow-up that hit a fallback response. Using the query we can quickly see how to expand existing conditions. It looks like this, using the exact flow name:
la Start_Time, s.id, t1.e2.userInput:
t.e.pathType==“raise-flow”, t.e.fname==“Sub Flow: Disambiguation Rechnung (dsl, mobil, beides, hyb)”, t1.e2.userInput!= “”,
t1.e.pathType==“output”, t1.e.vname==“Antwort nicht verstanden”, t.index == t1.index - 1,
catd(pattern=“yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss”, timezone="+01:00") t.time as Start_Time
order by Start_Time desc
Now we would like the query to show all flows containing “Disambiguation” and see a complete report. But using regular expression, it flags an error:
la Start_Time, s.id, t1.e2.userInput:
t.e.pathType==“raise-flow”, t.e.fname~~“Disambiguation” , t1.e2.userInput!= “”,
t1.e.pathType==“output”, t1.e.vname==“Antwort nicht verstanden”, t.index == t1.index - 1,
catd(pattern=“yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss”, timezone="+01:00") t.time as Start_Time
order by Start_Time desc
Does anyone have an idea? Thanks very much.