Sometimes users need help from our bot not only with one topic but with several of them. This can happen in a conversation by going through one topic after the other, or by having one single user input which indicates the wish to talk about multiple topics. We refer to the latter as a user input containing multiple intents.
Join our Office Hour to discuss possible ways to identify and handle these situations in Teneo.
About the Office Hours
Office Hours are an opportunity for everybody who is working with or learning about Teneo to connect with one of our Teneo experts to ask questions, consolidate their knowledge about Teneo and connect with the community of Teneo Developers.
The sessions start with a short introduction to the topic of the day followed by an open talk among all participants.
The sessions are dynamic and interactive, so bring your questions and join the discussion!
Benjamin Kolz
Conversational AI Specialist at Artificial Solutions
Click on this link to register for the free session.