I created a new solution and in tryout it says there are many warnings, like this one:
3/10/2020 10:28:10 AM [Warning]: Flow [The user doesn’t like it (the joke) - Same folder context] (ID=b05c29b0-3923-4248-b6ee-a7b5558ecf0a): Trigger [The user doesn’t like it [the joke]] (ID=d6e7c4a6-f8e0-4125-85b6-1f30309c47ad): Condition uses undefined language object: BORING.ADJV.SYN
How can I get rid of them or can I just ignore them?
Hi Marcus - that’s an extreme amount of warnings. Usually something like that means that a solution resource is missing - in this case the Teneo Lexical Resources. It’s always important to link this in as one of your solution resources when creating a new solution. In this case it’s especially noticeable since your solution uses the Teneo Dialogue Resource which in turn has numerous TLR references.