QnAMaker -> Question Answering (Connector update)

Microsoft is moving its QnA Maker service into Question Answering on the new Language Studio, see details: Question answering feature is generally available - Microsoft Tech Community

Currently both QnA Maker and Question Answering are available, but Microsoft recommends to start migrating existing QnA Maker Knowledge Bases (KBs) into Language Studio.
More detailed info here: Microsoft Tech Community Blog.

We have added now a compatibility feature to our QnA Maker Connector code which lets you connect in an easy way to both services - QnA Maker and Question Answering.

You simply set a Boolean value to indicate if your Knowledge Base sits on Language Studio (true) or on QnA Maker (false).

Language Studio

The Connector code then sends over the request to your KB in the required format and fetches you the answer for your bot together with confidence score.
Integration inputs and outputs

You can download the updated Connector here.

Download Question Answering Connector

Any questions, feel free to ask here - happy FAQ building! :slight_smile: